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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Half way through the hard stuff and that is not the whiskey bottle.

Tomorrow is my 4th session (6 total) of chemo (Adriamycin and Cytoxan). Session #3 was very similar to #1 & #2 with the only difference being is I became dehydrated and anemic last week. Woke up Wednesday morning and felt so weak, faint, and ill. Unbelievable I was dehydrated because I have been drinking three quarts of water a day but chemo sucks the juice right out of you…literally. I’ve been eating a vegan diet as I have read countless articles and books that claim it is the ideal diet for fending off cancer. Animal products produce an acidic environment in your body which cancer loves. An alkaline environment for your body is best (vegetables, fruit, nuts, and grains) but more on that later. However the change of diet caused my red blood cell count to drop as the chemo is already hard on it. I am embracing the cheese and beef for the remainder of my chemo and then back to vegan-hood. I do have to say I felt very energetic eating vegan and my skin looked great. Oh but the cheese tastes so good…darn it! Otherwise we all are doing well and getting somewhat comfortable with the chemo routine. Speaking about comfort I find it uncanny that the head accessories that have become my staples are the free wig from the American Cancer Society and the bandana I stole from our dog (I washed it of course). Guess I did not need to spend money on scarves, hats, and an expensive real hair wig. Oh well, live and learn…right!


  1. Hang in there! You know, you could leave out the beef and keep the cheese when you're feeling better.

  2. From Candy Coburn and her team, we want to wish you all the best in your fight!

    We hope you will be feeling well soon!

    (Candy's assistant)
