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Friday, April 16, 2010

It's Only Hair...

Oh the time has come for me to lose my hair…darn it. Last Saturday while eating breakfast I reached up to scratch my head and hair fell onto the table (ya…gross). So out of curiosity I grabbed a chunk of my locks and pulled a fist full out…gasp. Fortunately the boys were at a Bauer’s baseball game and I was the only witness to this peculiar situation. I was told that my hair would start falling out on day 16 so I was somewhat prepared for this change and Saturday was day 16! This hair thing has been a “ripe the bad-aid off and get over with it” experience for me so I embraced the new look and had my hair shaved off the following Tuesday. Now I see visions of Sinead O’Connor every time I look in the mirror. Man was she a brave soul!! Even though it is freeing to walk around bald, and more power to the women who choose to, I am wearing wigs and scarves because I do not want to freak out the kiddos. I purchased a shoulder length real hair wig (expensive) and received a short hair synthetic wig (free) from the American Cancer Society. Well guess which one is more comfortable…the synthetic one and according to my husband does not look fake! So if you run across a real hair wig for sale on Craigslist it may be mine. I last about 6 hours in the wig and then I have to take it off and give my head a big old scratch session. I hear Dolly Parton always wears a wig. How does she do it?? My after 4:00 pm head gear is a scarf. The kid’s think I look like a pirate…argh. Otherwise they pay little attention to my rotating head accessories. I miss my hair already and cannot wait for it to grow back. I will never complain of a bad hair day again!!


  1. I don't think you should hold back with the pirate motif. Buy yourself an eye patch and have a tooth capped in gold and just go for it! Yarrrrrr.


  2. I'm with Sharon...I think you should tell people you joined the Seafair Pirates!
